Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Picture of The Day/Art News


Day before yesterday I went to an incredible exhibit at the Station Museum for Contemporary Art. I don't know much about the place, as I just discovered it, but I plan on frequenting it. The exhibit I saw was called Because We Are, and it focused on GLBTQ art. It. Was. AMAZING. And a warning, some of these pictures are not so PG. So view with discretion.

It seems like such a humble industrial building from the outside.

This was the first work the artist had done in marble. Also, the background is watercolour versions of Polaroids taken of her and her partner. It's interesting how the watercolour sort of makes the photos abstract.

This is a leather cover to old exercise equipment. It was in a gym open in the eighties to a primarily homosexual male group.  From this angle it resembles a skeletal body, doesn't it?

This one really got to me. In the background, from another part of the museum,  Bang Bang by Nancy Sinatra was playing loudly. This "Medicine Man," as he's named, is made of medicine bottles for HIV medication, in part belonging to the artist and his partner and friends (both dead and alive). The syringes are tipped with red.

Though this exhibit is closing the 16th, I believe, the Station has more interesting art coming up! Check the website (I've linked it above) for more information. 

On the topic of GLBT-related art, there's another exhibit opening at 7:30 Friday night at DiverseWorks! It is, as Joey Guerra (author of this article about it) says, a "multi-artist exploration of queer sex." I'm intrigued and plan on going to explore. I've had this gallery recommended to me recently, as well, so this will be a good excuse to get over there. Once I do, there will definitely be more pictures. 

As for other art, I'm going to the Rice Gallery tomorrow night at 6 for the reception and artist talk with Sarah Oppenheimer. She is the artist of the new exhibit, D-17. It looks really interesting-- her work primarily deals with perceptions of space and windows ("portals") into other spaces. If you happen to read this before then... go check it out! 

I think that was enough talking about local art for now. I'm out!



  1. the first exhibit sounds amazing. unfortunately, i didn't hear about it until yesterday when everyone was mentioning it and dylan said he'd gone to it. he said he liked the marble piece the best. i wish i could've gone. >.>

  2. I liked the room with the marble piece. It was a cool juxtaposition of explicit sexuality (the paintings) and a more warm, romantic love (the marble). If that makes any sense whatsoever.
